Thursday, April 9, 2015

World Class Oil Spill Response

There has been an oil spill in Vancouver. Looks like a pretty small one, but threatening a fragile marine environment.

I went looking for ways to blame people I disagree with... surely the best approach, yes? Well I found this. Christy Clark, Liberal premier of BC, stating the BC in unprepared for a major oil spill. That to allow oil on the coast we would need to have a world class oil spill response, and it just wasn't there yet.

I don't often agree with Christy Clark. In fact, I'm a pretty upset that it didn't come out the other way. But there it is, in black and white. A warning.

Published two years ago, it included the optimistic note that the Feds were looking at safety on the coast and the Coast Guard resources.

Nine days later, the Vancouver Coast Guard station was shut down. I suppose that does count as "looking at" resources.

It's nice to know I can still disagree with Harper.

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