Thursday, September 24, 2015

Politics in the Internet Age: The Totals So Far

I wrote last month about candidates being worth to withdraw due to internet comments, and today I wondered just how much it’s been happening. I couldn’t find this list anywhere on the internet, so I had to actually research it. Legitimate journalism! So here are all the withdrawn candidates I could find, including both social media gaffes and otherwise.

May 12 - Chris Lloyd - Conservative - Just running as an art project
June 20 - Ray Fox - Liberal - Facebook - Racism, sexism
August 7 - Buddy Ford - Conservative - Pot charges
August 7 - Augustin Ali Kotoko - Conservative - Actually an NDP supporter
August 10 - Morgan Wheeldon - NDP - Facebook - Israel
August 18 - Ala Buzreba - Liberal - Twitter - Lots of profane stuff
August 21 - Gilles Guibord - Conservative - Comments Sections - Racism, Sexism
September 7 - Tim Dutaud - Conservative - Youtube - Crank Calls, Ableism
September 7 - Jerry Bance - Conservative - CBC News - Pissed in a Mug
September 10 - Joy Davies - Liberal - Facebook - Marijuana
September 15 - Blair Dale - Conservative - Racism, Sexism
September 16 - Chris Austin - Liberal - Jian Ghomeshi comments
September 22 - Louis Robicaud - Conservative - Unknown
September 24 - Stefan Jonasson - NDP - Israel Comments

The score right now: Conservatives 8, Liberal 4, NDP 2. I think the list is comprehensive up to September 16… it’s mostly based on this list, with three additions from early in the campaign and two additions from this week. There might have been more this week, I’m not sure.

The nominations will be finalized on September 28. I wonder what will happen after that? It seems likely that anything unearthed by opposition researchers has been hoarded, so that candidates can be targeted when they no longer have the chance to withdraw. It will be interesting to see what people have come up with… I wonder if there are any candidates left without embarrassing things somewhere in their pasts?

Certainly most of the candidates won’t have criminal charges, won’t have made national TV pissing in a mug, and won’t secretly be members of some other party. Unlike Ala Buzreba, most of them will have gone through adolescence long before the ubiquity of social media. And yet, I suspect we have only seen a fraction of the mud that will get slung around after next Monday.

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