Saturday, July 18, 2015


I’m seeing a lot of hubbub about the Queen being taught the Nazi salute by her uncle. The news sites have screwed this one up pretty badly, and I hate to see that much ignorance on display.

Now I’m not normally one to defend the monarchy... you’re not going to make me defend them, are you? It’s just not fair. See, the british royals are terrible people who do terrible things in terrible ways for terrible reasons. But they aren’t Nazis. Well, not necessarily, not based on this flimsy evidence at any rate.

The pictures are from 1933. As it turns out, all sorts of people used that salute back then. Before it was the Nazi salute it was the Fascist salute. 

Before that, it was used by Americans in the pledge of allegiance.

And way, way before that, it was the Roman salute.

About the only thing these groups all have common is Nationalism, and some right wing anti-socialism. And it’s not exactly news that the British royals are Nationalists. Were you shocked? I wasn’t shocked.

So in conclusion, something something doomed to repeat it. Don’t be doomed. And don't write news articles based on The Sun except to point and laugh. And if you have to point and laugh maybe don't point with your whole hand.

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