Wednesday, May 13, 2015


It’s 1AM, which means today’s blog post (or yesterday’s) will necessarily be much shorter than Monday’s. Good thing I keep a stash of news articles that I can shout about without requiring much in the way of original thought…

“Diamond royalties a closely guarded subject in Ontario”. The royalties DeBeers pays to the government of Ontario for its Victor mine are confidential. They accidently released the figures for 2014. The grand total was $226. DeBeers was apparently shocked that any royalty was charged at all.

The corresponding royalties for Lucara’s diamond mine in Botswana? $26.6 million. Six orders of magnitude higher.

The Victor mine is next to Attawapiskat, which as you may recall is destitute and doesn’t get a share of resource revenue… not that a share of $226 would go very far.

OK, that’s about all the outrageous things I can come up with from this story.


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